orientation: Portrait (14442 search results)
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Works by artist:
- Rosie Gibbens (6)
- John Deakin (13)
- Faisal Abdu'Allah (28)
- Ivor Abrahams (15)
- Larry Achiampong (8)
- Jankel Adler (2)
- Ajamu (38)
- Laura Aldridge (12)
- Hurvin Anderson (37)
- Rasheed Araeen (9)
- Keith Arnatt (10)
- Charles Avery (17)
- Franko B (47)
- Francis Bacon (654)
- Bobby Baker (45)
- Fiona Banner (3)
- Wilhelmina Barns-Graham (16)
- Jordan Baseman (1)
- David Batchelor (19)
- Helen Beard (9)
- Basil Beattie (46)
- Langlands and Bell (10)
- Vanessa Bell (13)
- Emma Bennett (77)
- Adrian Berg (4)
- Tony Bevan (28)
- Zarina Bhimji (18)
- Richard Billingham (6)
- Jennifer Binnie (27)
- Sutapa Biswas (1)
- Peter Blake (37)
- Sandra Blow (13)
- David Bomberg (6)
- Derek Boshier (28)
- Frank Bowling (48)
- Francis Bowyer (3)
- Sonia Boyce (24)
- Gabriella Boyd (20)
- Lewis Brander (20)
- Ian Breakwell (54)
- The Douglas Brothers (42)
- Christopher Le Brun (18)
- Vanley Burke (19)
- Chila Kumari Singh Burman (40)
- John Byrne (69)
- Pogus Caesar (28)
- Simon Callery (21)
- Anthony Caro (43)
- Patrick Caulfield (52)
- Yinka Shonibare CBE (640)
- Stephen Chambers (22)
- Jake and Dinos Chapman (103)
- Jake Chapman (1)
- Michelle Charles (18)
- Gordon Cheung (83)
- Maria Chevska (16)
- Billy Childish (75)
- Adam Chodzko (19)
- Prunella Clough (19)
- Bernard Cohen (6)
- Hannah Collins (3)
- Calum Colvin (17)
- Paul Cooklin (40)
- Caroline Coon (36)
- Tony Cragg (1)
- Andrew Cranston (12)
- John Craxton (6)
- Martin Creed (135)
- David Cripps (27)
- Katie Cuddon (24)
- Natalie Curtis (4)
- Dexter Dalwood (13)
- Adelaide Damoah (19)
- Adam Dant (30)
- Matthew Darbyshire (30)
- Ian Davenport (25)
- Alan Davie (1)
- John Davies (2)
- Shezad Dawood (36)
- Gautier Deblonde (15)
- Jeremy Deller (3)
- Jeffrey Dennis (14)
- Robyn Denny (10)
- Hylozoic Desires (3)
- Alan Dimmick (11)
- Peter Doig (19)
- Joan Eardley (14)
- Naomi Edmondson (27)
- Ibrahim El-Salahi (34)
- Tracey Emin (101)
- Pure Evil (18)
- Graham Fagen (42)
- Duggie Fields (9)
- Peter Finnemore (36)
- Moyna Flannigan (32)
- Mark Francis (102)
- Armet Francis (7)
- Hannah Frank (89)
- Stuart Franklin (37)
- Peter Fraser (39)
- Elisabeth Frink (8)
- Anthony Frost (45)
- Terry Frost (25)
- Anya Gallaccio (343)
- Richard Galpin (20)
- Ryan Gander (2)
- Nick Gentry (195)
- Gilbert and George (31)
- Ori Gersht (61)
- Louise Giovanelli (24)
- Sheila Girling (11)
- Hugo Glendinning (84)
- Margarita Gluzberg (8)
- Douglas Gordon (5)
- Duncan Grant (11)
- Joy Gregory (9)
- Lea Grundig (6)
- Sunil Gupta (46)
- David Gwinnutt (13)
- Richard Hamilton (10)
- Tom Hammick (122)
- Wood and Harrison (8)
- Mona Hatoum (67)
- Adrian Heath (1)
- David Hepher (16)
- Susanna Heron (8)
- Patrick Heron (22)
- Paul Hill (7)
- Anthony Hill (5)
- Susan Hiller (2)
- John Hilliard (29)
- Roger Hilton (10)
- Roger Hiorns (161)
- Damien Hirst (288)
- John Hitchens (33)
- Ivon Hitchens (12)
- Howard Hodgkin (10)
- Dan Holdsworth (32)
- Young In Hong (64)
- Georgie Hopton (29)
- Shirazeh Houshiary (81)
- Rachel Howard (51)
- Neale Howells (9)
- Peter Howson (25)
- John Hoyland (43)
- Gary Hume (198)
- Margaret Hunter (2)
- Evan Ifekoya (16)
- Albert Irvin (12)
- Gavin Jantjes (24)
- Tess Jaray (21)
- Martin Jenkinson (41)
- James Jessop (9)
- Ben Johnson (52)
- Tam Joseph (7)
- Alan Kane (12)
- Permindar Kaur (37)
- Peter Kennard (3)
- Ken Kiff (37)
- Phillip King (1)
- Oskar Kokoschka (2)
- Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen (29)
- Johnnie Shand Kydd (93)
- Michael Landy (173)
- Abigail Lane (106)
- Matthew Lanyon (7)
- Peter Lanyon (7)
- Loraine Leeson (2)
- Eric Lesdema (5)
- Rosie Leventon (13)
- Roy Lichtenstein (140)
- Roy Lichtenstein (2)
- Liliane Lijn (47)
- Kim Lim (19)
- Linder (67)
- Hew Locke (231)
- Richard Long (14)
- LS Lowry (1)
- Sarah Lucas (12)
- Marketa Luskacova (106)
- Rut Blees Luxemburg (12)
- Goshka Macuga (6)
- Elizabeth Magill (2)
- Margarete Marks (3)
- Barry Martin (32)
- Rui Matsunaga (32)
- Ian McKeever (47)
- Lucy McLauchlan (4)
- Bruce McLean (51)
- Wendy McMurdo (1)
- Daniel Meadows (37)
- Aleksandra Mir (233)
- Elaine Mitchener (7)
- Lucia Moholy (38)
- Francesca Mollett (9)
- Jade de Montserrat (5)
- Henry Moore (18)
- Simon Moretti (32)
- Polly Morgan (58)
- Dennis Morris (26)
- Alfred Munnings (2)
- Tish Murtha (40)
- David Nash (9)
- Mariele Neudecker (52)
- Le Berger de L'ile de Ngor (59)
- Beth Nicholas (8)
- Ben Nicholson (10)
- David Noonan (27)
- Vong Phaophanit and Claire Oboussier (15)
- Humphrey Ocean (41)
- Harold Offeh (5)
- Ima-Abasi Okon (2)
- Adjani Okpu-Egbe (19)
- Uriel Orlow (58)
- Katrina Palmer (5)
- Eduardo Paolozzi (153)
- Selma Parlour (55)
- Janette Parris (48)
- Jonathan Parsons (43)
- Victor Pasmore (19)
- Jo Peel (5)
- Dan Perfect (13)
- Tom Phillips (345)
- Peter Phillips (36)
- Heather Phillipson (9)
- Luke Piper (6)
- Edward Piper (87)
- John Piper (46)
- Ingrid Pollard (19)
- Iain Forsyth and Jane Pollard (9)
- Laure Prouvost (5)
- Anne-Katrin Purkiss (29)
- Conrad Shawcross RA (6)
- Fiona Rae (120)
- Sayed Haider Raza (2)
- Jamie Reid (26)
- Lancelot Ribeiro (49)
- Cullinan Richards (57)
- Ceri Richards (25)
- Sophy Rickett (48)
- Larry Rivers (1)
- Simon Roberts (41)
- Markey Robinson (15)
- Michael Rothenstein (10)
- Gideon Rubin (32)
- Karen Russo (20)
- Giorgio Sadotti (10)
- Helen Sear (5)
- Zineb Sedira (20)
- Sara Shamma (27)
- Raqib Shaw (29)
- Syd Shelton (85)
- Anwar Jalal Shemza (57)
- David Shrigley (2192)
- Nicholas Sinclair (5)
- Charan Singh (8)
- Penny Slinger (128)
- Richard Smith (9)
- Renee So (29)
- Himali Singh Soin (4)
- Richard Spare (22)
- Andrew Stahl (17)
- Simon Starling (38)
- Georgina Starr (14)
- Sarah Staton (18)
- Maud Sulter (34)
- Trevor Sutton (30)
- David Soin Tappeser (3)
- Jason deCaires Taylor (146)
- Sam Taylor-Johnson (16)
- Anna Teasdale (3)
- Simon Tegala (69)
- Caragh Thuring (12)
- Joe Tilson (14)
- Arthur Timothy (24)
- Mark Titchner (20)
- Modern Toss (24)
- David Tremlett (6)
- Paul Trevor (6)
- Alison Turnbull (43)
- William Turnbull (188)
- Keith Tyson (17)
- Julie Umerle (11)
- Phoebe Unwin (42)
- Manuel Vason (22)
- Keith Vaughan (5)
- Charlotte Verity (6)
- Barbara Walker (67)
- Caroline Walker (32)
- John Walter (86)
- Andy Warhol (363)
- Tom Waring (18)
- Charmaine Watkiss (6)
- Boyd Webb (12)
- Tim Noble and Sue Webster (64)
- Richard Wentworth (41)
- Simon Wheatley (1)
- Alberta Whittle (40)
- Andrew Whittuck (17)
- Aubrey Williams (26)
- Jane and Louise Wilson (28)
- Tom Wood (37)
- Edward Woodman (13)
- Bill Woodrow (1)
- Richard Woods (23)
- Bryan Wynter (6)
- Catherine Yass (28)
- Marie Yates (3)
- George Young (22)
- Li Yuan-chia (11)
- Neil Zakiewicz (73)
- Bettina Von Zwehl (44)
Portraits of Artist:
- Faisal Abdu'Allah (6)
- Ivor Abrahams (1)
- Keith Arnatt (1)
- Franko B (1)
- Francis Bacon (18)
- Fiona Banner (1)
- Wilhelmina Barns-Graham (1)
- Langlands and Bell (1)
- Tony Bevan (4)
- Sandra Blow (2)
- Sonia Boyce (1)
- Christopher Le Brun (1)
- Patrick Caulfield (1)
- Yinka Shonibare CBE (3)
- Jake and Dinos Chapman (3)
- Mat Collishaw (1)
- Caroline Coon (1)
- Martin Creed (2)
- Alan Davie (1)
- Joan Eardley (1)
- Tracey Emin (14)
- Elisabeth Frink (2)
- Anya Gallaccio (15)
- Gilbert and George (17)
- Richard Hamilton (1)
- Mona Hatoum (2)
- Damien Hirst (19)
- Georgie Hopton (1)
- Gary Hume (5)
- Tess Jaray (1)
- Anish Kapoor (4)
- Jim Lambie (2)
- Abigail Lane (2)
- Liliane Lijn (1)
- Kim Lim (1)
- Hew Locke (2)
- Sarah Lucas (9)
- Bruce McLean (16)
- Victor Pasmore (1)
- John Piper (5)
- Fiona Rae (1)
- Jenny Saville (4)
- Georgina Starr (1)
- Jason deCaires Taylor (1)
- Sam Taylor-Johnson (11)
- Gavin Turk (1)
- William Turnbull (14)
- Mark Wallinger (1)
- Andy Warhol (21)
- Tim Noble and Sue Webster (15)
- Jane and Louise Wilson (1)
- Archival Material:
- Body Print (14)
- Ceramics (5)
- Collage (296)
- C-Type print (1)
- Cyanotype (4)
- Digital print (17)
- Documentary photography (36)
- Drawing (2900)
- Durospec perspex reverse mounted print (16)
- Embroidery (1)
- Etching (121)
- Film still (4)
- Glass (2)
- Installation (1132)
- Jewellery (1)
- Lightbox (38)
- Mixed Media (710)
- Painting (3826)
- Patchwork (7)
- Performance (79)
- Photography (1898)
- Photomontage (4)
- Print (611)
- Printmaking (58)
- Screenprint (357)
- Sculpture (1875)
- Sculpture and Costume (1)
- Silkscreen print (39)
- Textile (102)
- Unlimited Edition (4)
- Video still (13)
- Wood Cut Print (11)
- Work on Paper (6)
- Historical Classification:
- Orientation:
- Asset Type:
Frans Dove, 2024
Arthur Timothy -
Evelyn Dove, New York or Paris, Between Midnight and the Mil...
Arthur Timothy -
The Madonna of Adabraka, 2024
Arthur Timothy -
These Cost The Earth, 2024
Elaine Mitchener -
These Cost The Earth, 2024
Elaine Mitchener -
These Cost The Earth, 2024
Elaine Mitchener -
These Cost The Earth, 2024
Elaine Mitchener -
These Cost The Earth, 2024
Elaine Mitchener -
These Cost The Earth, 2024
Elaine Mitchener -
Jesse Darling, Berlin, 2024
Nicholas Sinclair -
The invisible Study, 2024
Tom Hammick -
Woodwalkers, 2024
Tom Hammick -
Studio Albers Study, 2024
Tom Hammick -
Path to the Sea, 2024
Tom Hammick -
Night Painter, 2024
Tom Hammick -
Woman on a Parapet, 2024
Tom Hammick -
Studio Albers, 2024
Tom Hammick -
Powdermills, 2024
Tom Hammick -
Path to the Sea Study, 2024
Tom Hammick -
Woodwalkers Study, 2024
Tom Hammick -
Tom Hollander, At Home, 2024
David Gwinnutt -
Untitled, 2022
Stuart Franklin -
Forest Complex, 2024
Stuart Franklin
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