
Moyna Flannigan


Moyna Flannigan, born in Scotland in 1963, is an artist whose paintings and collages draw upon imagery from art history, mythology, and popular culture to reinterpret and reactivate the female archetype. The figures Flannigan portrays, described in ambiguous settings, are an amalgam of memories, experiences and ideas, and are informed by the artist's astute formal imagination and humour.

Having studied at Edinburgh College of Art, Flannigan went on to receive her Masters in 1987 from Yale University School of Art (US). Her early work includes a highly acclaimed collection of portrait miniatures, that were first exhibited at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery in 2004 and more recent works have involved the artist making her own distemper paint which consists of ground pigment and warmed rabbit-skin glue, prompting an exploration into her materials and paint itself as matter.

Moyna Flannigan has exhibited widely across Europe and the United States and is represented by Ingleby.